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Developer Mode

Developer mode is required for all hacks that change the UI (User interface), OS (Operating system) and even the BIOS (Basic Input/output system, aka code stuff) which requires some extra steps. To enable dev mode, you need to press escape + refresh + power or maximise + power. At the “Chrome OS is missing or damaged” screen press ctrl + D then enter, then ctrl + D again. Congrats! You are in developer mode. You just will need to sign in, and voila! You can use everything with the “◉” symbol mentioned on this site.

To enter the developer console, press ctrl + shift + F2 (–> button at the top), and to exit, press ctrl + shift + F1 (<– button at the top). Login as chronos and back in chrome, go to ctrl + alt + T to open a shell. Now type in shell and hit enter. Now we have a full ChromeOS developer shell inside the browser!
